Leader as Coach Training

Leader as Coach: Coaching Skills for Executives, Managers & Leaders

Key Benefits:

  • Attract higher quality employees
  • Connect with Generation Z employees
  • Increase creativity and productivity
  • Reduce turnover
  • Improve Employee Engagement
  • Help executives un- cover their own blind spots
  • Learn to have those “hard conversations” in a way that encourages growth
  • Replace “Command and Control” leadership with 21st Century Leadership

Leader as Coach: Developing Coaching Executives

An Interactive Program from Preiser Consultants

The long term success of your organization depends on the investment you are willing to make now!

The most effective way to position your organization for long term success is to develop your cur- rent leaders to coach your future leaders.

As a participant you will learn:

  • What coaching is and how it works
  • When to employ coaching with your team members
  • How to conduct the Coaching Conversation
  • Your natural coaching style and how it impacts others
  • How to support and inspire your top performers to new levels of excellence
  • How to provide meaningful feedback and retain top performers
  • How to use coaching as a tool to develop key team members and grow your next generation of leaders
  • How to create an engaged workforce

What is the value of an engaged workforce?

Organizations with above-average employee satisfaction scores had:

  • 38 percent higher customer satisfaction scores
  • 22 percent higher productivity
  • 27 percent higher profits

Now is the time to invest in your leadership team and create a Coaching Culture in your organization. Become a proficient and knowledgeable Leader as Coach by enrolling in this highly interactive new program and prepare your team today for the challenges of tomorrow

This course is designed for supervisors, managers, executives and others how to take a coach approach in their leadership and management. In this course, you will learn

What managerial/leadership coaching is, and why and how it works

  • The tools and skills needed to develop to take a coach approach to leadership and management
  • How to conduct a coaching conversation
  • An overview of the leadership coaching process (including gathering data on performance, how to discuss and provide feedback on recent performance, how to develop an action plan for moving forward, how to implement the development / action plan and how to evaluate continued progress and performance)
  • How you can support and challenge your best performers to greater levels of success
  • How you can integrate coaching seamlessly into your everyday interactions with direct reports
  • How to can shift your mindset from supervisor/manager to coach

This course is an immersion hands on course that trains the participant in vital coaching skills using interactive participant exercises etc.