Executive coaching improves staff retention, increases productivity, and improves the performance of all employees.

86% of Fortune 500 companies use coaches in their leadership development programs.


Executive coaching has proven highly beneficial to organizations of all sizes. Executive coaching improves staff retention, increases productivity, and improves the performance of all employees and is particularly helpful for:

  • New managerial teams
  • Executives who want to improve their relationship with workers
  • Professionals who want to appreciate their work more and create a better working environment
  • Leaders who want to change their managerial styles

Preiser Consultants begins all coaching consultations by identifying and defining the desired culture of your working environment. The intent of subsequent coaching sessions is to develop and introduce new ways of aligning the entire organization in a way that brings the staff together to work as a cohesive unit.

Executive coaching is sometimes used when a company desires a change in their leadership style. Having an executive coach assist with introducing these change helps prevent rebellion or resistance among different members of the team. A Preiser Consultants executive coach will walk your team through models and processes that are easy to adopt within their day to day operations.

Coaching takes executives through a course of strengthening everyone’s self-reflection and awareness.
Together, they evaluate the patterns that will create the new future they desire for the organization. Additionally, it expands their appreciation of each other and new perspectives are discovered. The communication channels are opened up to enhance effective and clear communication with all members regardless of their rank or position in the company.
 As a result, the company is able to increase on its production-both in quality and quantity as well as in leadership. If the company portrays a good image of itself to its target groups, the customers/clients are likely to get satisfied with its products and services.

Coaching also benefits the entire staff because they become satisfied in their jobs and as a result, become more committed in their duties. The entire company’s well-being is enhanced. The entire team becomes more productive and feels empowered since they feel wanted and valued by the management.

Results of Executive Coaching

  • Regular, objective ongoing feedback and support
  • Initiate positive and sustainable behavior changes
  • Leverage existing strengths and improve performance
  • Adopt or reinforce executive leadership competencies crucial to the organization’s success
  • Establish a career and personal development plan
  • Sustain greater work/life balance

Contact Preiser Consultants today to discuss a personalized coaching plan for your organization.